Friday 13 June 2014

UCA Farnham Fine Art Student Profile 2014 - Jasmine Rogers

What ideas have you explored in your work?

The currency of images interests me and how they are mediated, because this opens up aesthetic potential and of course frames the content. I still take my own photographs and enjoy the process of intervention and manipulation, but increasingly the use of found images and their context and potential became important. What was important for me specifically was the portrayal of conflict in the media, particularly that of the current conflict in Ukraine. This theme is important to me because it holds a such important currency, especially with the plethora of images and articles in newspapers, online and social media. The picture painted by the media covering the Ukraine conflict and images shown are somewhat different to what can be viewed online.

The images I’ve used in my works are taken from various online sources, which I appropriate and form my own work in relation to the subject. My aim with these images is to focus on the smaller mundane details as perhaps the ‘punctum’ of an image can distract our attention. This use of the pixel is to show the role of technology and the Internet with the media. Essentially in my work I’m trying to highlight the everyday aspect, as people’s lives still goes on in these war zones. I don’t think this is always portrayed in the media.

How did you develop the idea that produced your final exhibition work? 

I’ve had an interest in images and manipulation throughout most of the university course, however I only started concentrating on conflict images recently. I realised through both myself and feedback on my work, that I could further develop my practice by looking at more significant imagery, particularly containing, as Barthes would say a certain ‘punctum’. I realised working with such found imagery that it’s important to portray and work with them appropriately. I want the focus to be upon the everyday lives of the Ukraine people despite the on-going crisis.
Two books in particular were a significant influence on me; Towards a Philosophy of Photography by Vilém Flusser, and notably Camera Lucida by Roland Barthes. Barthes’s idea of the ‘punctum’ in an image was something I considered when developing my work.

What do you think is the most significant thing that has helped you during your time a UCA Farnham?

Having my own studio space has been a great benefit to me 
during my study, especially working next to my peers where there’s opportunity for feedback. I learnt how to arrange and select specific works out which would work together and as a result, create the narrative that I wanted to portray to the viewer.

What are you planning next?

Currently with my practice, my laptop is my studio space, so I plan to continue developing my practice and making art. My work is being exhibited in London soon and I also intend to submit my work for exhibitions and other opportunities. I’m currently looking into jobs that will help enable me to support my practice.

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