Lilah Fowler Artist Talk at UCA Farnham

Next Monday 4th November, artist Lilah Fowler will be visiting UCA Farnham to speak about her practice to coincide with her current show "Passage and Pair" at Maria Stenfors Gallery, London. Lilah will also be supporting Fine Art student's practice after her talk.
"Lilah Fowler, a 2008 graduate from Royal College of Art, came to the Maria Stenfors gallery in Wren Street and assessed the space. The building’s architectural plans were retrieved from a dusty box, measurements were taken and the history of not only the building but also the surrounding area was investigated. This was before the show was even confirmed.
This process is not unusual for Fowler, who works on an architectural level to integrate the building and its surroundings into her work and, thus, ties every exhibit to its location. Were the exhibit to be transferred to another gallery, it would have to be deconstructed and rearranged to reflect the individual character of that space, together with its history and surroundings. With all this in mind, it doesn’t sound too pretentious to say that this really is a unique never-seen- before never-will-see-again exhibition.
What does sound a bit strange is that Fowler took inspiration from both Camden, the gallery’s borough, and California, where she recently visited. A few minutes in the gallery will, however, reveal this to be surprisingly self-evident: the spaces portrayed through the images and installations are open, wide and empty, reminiscent of the Californian desert."
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